You’ll go further faster with a coach.

Here’s How it works

1. Schedule an appointment
2. Allow me to create a customized plan for you
3. Let's execute the plan together

Ways to work together

When you’re ready for a quantum leap, you should know

What I’m calling 1:1 coaching below is a high-touch holistic container of coaching, mentorship, support, and accountability when you need it most. These unique packages allow access to me outside of 1:1 sessions through a telegram channel for when you have questions, problems, experience a setback, or have a win you’d like to share and may want my thoughts, perspective, accountability, encouragement or cheerleading.

The weekly 1:1 coaching gives you regular check-ins to address where you are, yet are flexible enough to be as short as 20 minutes or as long as 75 minutes if needed. If you’re having a high-intensity work sprint it’s easy to cancel here or there, knowing that you’ll have a session next week.

I do offer a limited number of sliding scale rates.

  • 1 Month of Targeted 1:1 Coaching

    Looking for targeted, quick impact, and powerful support around any type of life transition, big project, or business work? Consider this special limited 1:1 coaching container.

    • Two One-on-One Coaching sessions with Alisha over thirty days (ideally at the beginning of the month and the end of the month)

    • Unlimited email and telegram access to Alisha during the moth

    • Robust Compass of your year workbook


    • 1 month of Vision to Action weekly coaching sessions.

    • Access to Alisha’s Tuesday and Thursday Wake Up and Flow Yoga Class during the month of coaching

  • 3 Months of 1:1 Coaching

    • 6-9 One-on-one coaching sessions scheduled weekly over 3 months

    • Unlimited email and telegram access to Alisha during 3 months

    • Every session recorded

    • Robust workbook to accompany the work


    • 3 months of access to Alisha’s Vision to Action Group coaching session

    • 3 months of access to Alisha’s Vision to Action Coaching Community

    • Access to Alisha’s Tuesday and Thursday Wake Up and Flow Yoga Class during the month of coaching

    • Signed Copy of Little Failures

    • Welcome coaching box mailed to you from Alisha

    A monthly payment option available upon request.

  • 6 Months of 1:1 Coaching

    • 18-24 One-on-one coaching sessions scheduled weekly over 6 months

    • Unlimited email and telegram access to Alisha during 6 months

    • Every session recorded

    • Robust workbook to accompany the work


    • 6 months of access to Alisha’s Vision to Action Group coaching session

    • 6 months of access to Alisha’s Vision to Action Coaching Community

    • Access to Alisha’s Tuesday and Thursday Wake Up and Flow Yoga Class during the month of coaching

    • Signed Copy of Little Failures

    • Welcome coaching box mailed to you from Alisha

    A monthly payment option available upon request.

  • A Year (12 months) of 1:1 Coaching

    • 36-50 One-on-one coaching sessions scheduled weekly over 12 months

    • Unlimited email and telegram access to Alisha during coaching year.

    • Every session recorded

    • Robust workbook to accompany the work


    • 12 months of access to Alisha’s Vision to Action Group coaching session

    • 12 months of access to Alisha’s Vision to Action Coaching Community

    • Access to Alisha’s Tuesday and Thursday Wake Up and Flow Yoga Class during the month of coaching

    • Signed Copy of Little Failures

    • Welcome coaching box mailed to you from Alisha

    A monthly payment option available upon request.

VIP Coaching Experiences

VIP 3 Nights and 2 Day Personal Retreat Experience

Immerse yourself in an exclusive retreat that blends creativity, self-care, and personalized coaching. Join Alisha at her Greensboro, NC home, where she’ll roll out the red carpet for a bespoke retreat tailored to your personal growth and development. Experience a specialized escape that nurtures your soul and reignites your passions.

VIP 3 Nights and 2 Day Business or Career Development Retreat

Immerse yourself in an exclusive retreat that blends business or career development, self-care, and personalized coaching. Join Alisha at her Greensboro, NC home, where she’ll roll out the red carpet for a bespoke retreat tailored to your business or career needs.

I Believe My Clients Deserve

Access to a neutral party who you can share openly and honestly with. You’ll be supported and guided but never judged.

A confidential coaching experience built on trust and respect. Your story will never be shared to market my work unless you’ve explicitly shared a testimonial and told me it’s ok to use it.

To go at your own pace. We will take gradual steps towards change ensuring you feel ready at each stage of growth.

To celebrate small victories along the way. We’ll set achievable goals, measure progress along the way, and develop strategies to overcome and learn from setbacks.

To have accountability systems that feel supportive rather than pressuring.

To be in control of the decisions and actions you take and feel supported, guided and championed along the way.

To set specific goals for your coaching experience. We’ll set specific measureable goals at the beginning of our coaching journey and establish a clear roadmap for aching them with regular check-ins that will help us stay on track and adjust as needed.

Coaching is a unique relationship in that the coach is expected to ask probing questions to help their client zoom out and see the bigger picture to take big strides, yet the results are entirely up to the client and the work they are willing to put in.

Are you ready to embark on this coaching journey?