What we believe
10 principles that guide our work
10 guiding Anchors
You are here to make an Impact
Every one of us is unique and has a purpose. You are on this earth to make an impact. It’s your responsibility to find your purpose and walk your unique path. Your mark could be raising a family, writing books, making art, breaking glass ceilings, fighting for social justice, or making a difference in your company. None of these are mutually exclusive, you don’t have to make just one type of impact in the world but it’s up to you to listen to and answer the longings of your soul so that you can make the mark that you were meant to make.
Creativity is Paramount.
You might not think you have a creative bone in your body. You might equate creativity with being an artist, but that’s not what creativity is. And if you don’t think you’re creative I promise you’re wrong, you might have an outdated definition or belief about what creativity really is. We believe if you aren’t actively connecting with your creative spirit in some form regularly, you’ll stagnate or worse. Accessing your creativity is like taking medicine, it’s necessary.
Your Core values are your compass
You have deep wisdom inside yourself. When we feel stuck, out of alignment, or we don’t know where to turn, it’s often because we don’t know or aren’t living in alignment with our core values. Your core values are your lighthouse in the dark, you must know them, live by them and make them a priority.
Fear is a Green Light
When there is something big that we desire, fear will be present. The bigger the dream, the more fear we’ll have. Fear is often the sign that what you want is vitally important. Fear will wake up your inner critic. Fear is a normal part of the process, and we don’t let it stop us, we see it as a sign that we need to move forward.
Community is essential
A like-minded community is key to making lasting changes. If you are working towards living a life you love but feel very far from where you want to be, a community of other people also working on this is essential. The right community will help you get to where you want to be faster and they will help you stay committed and not quit when difficult days happen. A community will help you stay anchored to your purpose.
the Birth, life, Death cycles of our lives are embraced
Everything has a season. We are not meant to produce nonstop all the time without breaks. Just like the seasons of the year, bodies, creativity, spirituality, and relationships will have times of birth, times of vibrant life, and also seasons of death or feelings of fallowness. When we start to recognize the cycles of our lives, our work, our creativity, and our relationships for what they are we can move more gracefully through them. We can embrace their death with less suffering because we understand that death will give way to new life.
Failure is painful, and it’s a natural part of the process
Failure is a part of going after and ultimately making our dreams come true. If you aren’t experiencing failure, we probably aren’t taking enough calculated risks. When we work towards our dreams and desires, not everything we try will work out, but that’s the messy middle where magic and learning happens. All success is built on failures. Failure is proof you’re going after your dreams.
Vision Casting is Crucial
Allowing ourselves to dream and lean into our desires without immediately shutting them down is a crucial part of creating a life we love. How often do you allow yourself to dream? Do you ask yourself “what if” and allow yourself to sit with the possibilities? When you dream how quickly does your inner critic shut the dreaming down? In order for us to grow intentionally sitting down and casting a vision for who we want to be, how we want to show up, and what we want to be doing is critical.
We learn to get comfortable in the uncomfortable
Allowing ourselves to dream and lean into our desires without immediately shutting them down is a crucial part of creating a life we love. How often do you allow yourself to dream? Do you ask yourself “what if” and allow yourself to sit with the possibilities? When you dream how quickly does your inner critic shut the dreaming down? In order for us to grow intentionally sitting down and casting a vision for who we want to be, how we want to show up, and what we want to be doing is critical.
Together We Rise
Long before there was girl power there was a narrative that women together are catty, mean, and backstabbing. Those things of course can happen. Yet, repeatedly what we’ve seen in the Yoke and Abundance community is the power of women banding together to accomplish the impossible. We know that the only way you will succeed, and rise is by taking others with you. Surround yourself with people who believe that too and then take everyone you can with you. Don’t try to be the lone wolf, you are better together.