Episode 172: Benefits of immersing yourself in something with John Saunders


In today’s episode, Alisha is having a conversation with business coach and author, John Saunders on the benefits of immersing yourself in something to find your unique value proposition, including writing books as a leveraging tool for marketing, speaking engagements, and workshops.

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In today’s episode, Alisha is having a conversation with business coach and author, John Saunders on the benefits of immersing yourself in something to find your unique value proposition, including writing books as a leveraging tool for marketing, speaking engagements, and workshops.

Check out more from John Here: https://www.johncsaunders.com/
on Instagram Here: https://www.instagram.com/jcs_optimizer/

Join the Party by registering for the June 30th (in person) book launch soiree here: https://www.yokeandabundance.com/one-time-mentorship-session/wise-women-panel-international-womens-day-jypmb
This week’s Sponsor is Fike + Co. Connecting People and Culture! https://fikeandco.com/

Do you have questions you want me to answer on the show? Email me at awielfaert@yokeandabundance.com

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