Episode 25: I Am A Writer
In this episode, Alisha Interviews Leah McNaughton Lederman
Alisha talks to Leah about writing, editing, and motherhood
Episode 25 Notes:
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Here are some of the topics we touch on in this episode.
Old Friends
What do you have to say? Do you keep a journal? Go back and see what rises to the top
You are a writer
“I’m not looking for fame, but I do seek an audience”
Tangible Outcome
Writing is one word at a time. There’s nothing more detail-oriented than that.
Overwhelming to step into writing goals.
Nostalgia for the future
Writing is like “going into a room without the lights on”.
Highschool is where you become who you’re going to be
The reality of being a mom
I want to clear off my plate and stop editing to work on my own project.
Random Beatles trivia
Having to set with grief and joy at the same time
Joy and grief, joy and stress exist together
The Prophet: On Joy and Sorrow
Learning to treat yourself and your kids differently
Using facebook to build your community.
Somethings aren’t ready to be written
Being a creative person and a parent at the same time
How can we meet in the middle.
The Things we did and said in high school reverberate through our entire lives.
There is no such thing as time wasted staring at a baby.
Look at your children, look at your life.
I live my life to the fullest, by making sure I do the dishes
Visit Leah’s Blog