Episode 30: International Women's Day Panel
In this episode, you’re invited to join us in listening to the International Women’s Day Panel sponsored by Lululemon Greensboro called “The other 364 days”.
You’ll hear from 4 unique voices: Katie Marshal, Zitty Nxumalo, Stephany McMillan, and Cleo Faucette about what International Women’s Day means to you.
Episode 29 Notes:
Sponsor: Lululemon Athletica Greensboro
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Here are some of the topics we touch on in this episode.
Lululemon is all about personal responsibility and we are taking action to achieve the things we want.
78% of lululemon globally is run by women
A panel of women who sweat in different ways
Rise and Flow Yoga
Katie Marshal martial artist
“The Other 364 Days-
International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the work that happens the other 364 days a year.
Like, the work of giving everyone a voice and really listening. And…
The work that takes place when you lace up and hit the pavement.
The work that takes place when you're learning something new and challenging what you know.
Or when you’re on your mat, attempting a pose for the 1st(or 100th) time.
The work that takes place when you courageously move your body in a way that brings you joy.
The work that takes place when you look someone in the eyes and really see them.
It’s this work that shapes our community, from big to tiny revolutions day after day after day, that moves the needle closer to equality.”
International women’s day means listening, speaking out, not being afraid to tell my story.
Invite a women with you! Community is what international women’s day means.
What are we dominating?
Equality starts with me. Kindness towards ourselves and others and our unique differences that bring us together.
Better for balance means there is enough for both.
Having a balance to know you can’t pour from an empty cup.
The Process of Emerging from the Pain
It just sucks and then feels like freedom and then comes around again.
When I come in with my ego that’s when I get humbled the hardest.
Swallow the bitter herb gracefully
Loneliness says “this is all there is”.
Stuck is just as valuable as unstuck.
Book “The greatest sales man in the world”
“Girl, did you know you locked the cage? Open the door!”
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