Episode 85: Embracing The Inner Witch

Episode 85: Embracing The Inner Witch.png

In this episode, Alisha has a one on one with you sharing how she’s come to embrace her inner witch and the woo.

Journaling Prompts from Episode 85

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Episode 85 Notes:

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Embracing My Witchy Ways
Solo Catch up Episode with Alisha
How did I embrace my witchy woo woo side
Raised Catholic
Loved to follow rules
Loved the idea of being a good girl
Never specifically told witches were bad
Witches weren’t something I believed in
Had to read the catechism my senior year in honors religion. 
I felt like the catechism was telling us to believe in magical thinking, but also the perspective that magic is wrong.
Was atheist for awhile
Was brought back into spirituality through my yoga practice.
Yoga is not just asana, it’s a lifestyle, a path.  It’s about Living life in a present way
Stephanie Keach is one of the most incredible yoga teachers I’ve ever experienced.
In Savasana in a class of 60 people felt the feeling that we are all one, all one breathing body.  We are all connected deeply
In embracing the inner witch, I recognize that we are all one, we are all energy.
Reading every self-help book I can get my hands on
Someone I respected told me to try a tarot reading with Sky Bradshaw.  Did a past life reading with her. 
There are things that happen that we just can’t explain
All of the rituals from Catholicism have been stolen from the pagans. 
Had a past life reading, One life I lived with nuns. In another life I was a witch and I held gatherings.  I was found out and put to death in that lifetimes for being a witch.
After that lifetime my soul said never again
But In this lifetime I’m being called and asked to make the word witch neutral.
I’m being asked to transmute the word witch with love.  Making it neutral.
Got a permission slip to own who I am
A woman who uses oracles cards, honors the seasons, honor the moon cycles, using oils to heal.
If you think you’re a witch, you probably are
The Witch Wound: Deeply engrained knowledge that women are put to death for our intuition, having inner knowing, honoring cycles and being put to death for that.
Being a witch to me is about being in harmony with the earth and it’s cycles.
Our emotions and feelings have been disregarded for so long. 
Being at witch means I flex my intuition muscle
The bad connotation of witches is more about silencing the voice of women and often times silencing the voice of women in order to protect powerful men.
Being a witch is about honoring the shadow side as well as the light.
Tools of being at witch: Morning pages, learning how to flex your intuition muscle.

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