Episode 9: Telling Other Peoples Stories

Wise Women Podcast with Tina Firesheets.jpg

In this episode, Alisha Interviews Tina Firesheets. 

Alisha talks to Tina Firesheets about what it’s like growing up Asian in Western North Carolina and about starting a new career in your 40’s.

Episode Notes:

Sponsor: Emerge Skin Therapy 

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Here are some of the topics we touch on in this episode.  
Growing up Korean in Western NC to Japanese and Anglo parents
Realizing your parent’s difficulties
Ignoring your otherness and journalism
Teachers looking out.
The love of journalism, telling other people’s stories
Getting to see what the rest of the world doesn’t have access to through journalism
Talking to people who love what they do. 
Most of us go to places that are comfortable to us
Normally the only other Asian person in the room
The diversity of Greensboro
Be curious about other communities
Pay attention to what’s going on around you
What it’s like to go from something you’ve been doing for 20 years to starting over in a new career.
Starting over in a new year in your late 40’s
Going from a dream job to starting over in your career from feeling confident to not knowing what to do.
Growing up with Trauma
Hiding who you were
Don’t be afraid to show who you are and what you’re struggling with
Going for a walk and paying attention to cultivate creativity, or cutting flowers
A day dreamer
As a journalist, going from reporting to creating your own work is hard
Least favorite yoga pose is Savasana
It’s normal for you to have a hard time in Savasana
Be appreciative of what you have


Episode 10: Stepping Into The Title of Artist


Episode 8: You are a Miracle