A Year In Review and Goals and Dreams For the Year to Come

Baby Alisha with mom.JPG

Every year I stop on or just before my birthday and reflect on what’s transpired good and not so good over my previous 12 months. I think it’s important to take stock of where I’ve been and where I want to go. This year honestly has been a doozy.

In my work:

  • I got to work with many woman on an individual level and feel like I made an impact in their life through my coaching programs

  • Taught 4 sessions of my signature 6 week course “In The company of Women

  • Produced 4 Yoke and Abundance Wise Women Panels

  • Produced 48 Yoke and Abundance Wise Women podcast Episodes

  • At Triad Local First I built DRIVE (the women’s independent business owners networking and educational group) and got it up and running

  • Produced the Reclaiming Creativity Summit where I interviewed 20 creative women

  • Spoke at the Junior Leauge’s Women’s Leadership Summit

  • Presented twice at UNCG

  • Hosted a Mini-Retreat called “Choosing Joy”

  • Taught a lunch and learn on podcasting

  • Was the Creativity Cultivator at the BLOOM Inclusion seminar

  • Hosted Greensboro’s first Women Owned Business Tour

  • Started teaching yoga again

Growth and Personal Development and Learning:


  • Got to spend a week with my sister

  • Spent lots of time with my family

  • Experienced the Unexpectedly loss of a parent (my dad)

  • Lost 2 uncles

  • Processing grief

  • Filed for bankruptcy

  • Felt deep depression, anxiety and despair

  • Wrote two essay’s I’m very proud of: A Corduroy Jacket and The Fox, A Wise Teacher

  • Spent a weekend camping in a cypress swamp

  • Have come back home to my own Yoga practice.

  • Learned how to make Apple Pie with a lard crust

  • Learned how to make rosemary shortbread cookies


  • Continued working my own business even when it’s be extremely difficult

  • Worked a little on my book

After taking stock of the year before I think about where I want to go and what I want to do in the year to come.

  • Finish writing, and publish the personal development book I’ve been working on for a few years

  • Write and deliver a kick ass tedx talk

  • Take the GRE

  • Apply to graduate school at 2-3 colleges for a master in counseling

  • Launch the Waking Wisdom Subscription on a larger scale, get it really dialed in for the Yoke and Abundance Community

  • Create an online course around creativity and inner wisdom

  • Run the Glass City Half-Marathon in April (have a strong running practice again)


4 gifts for yourself or others promoting personal growth, development, and flourishing


Wise Women Wednesday: Lacey Grim