My Top 5 Wise Women Episode Picks of 2019

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I’ve been really sick since Thanksgiving. The cold/crud that’s been going around. Which means not only am I doing the bare minimum and working at 50% capacity, it also means I’ve mostly lost voice. Tapping an episode of the podcast last week just wasn’t possible. So in the mean time I’ve put together some of my favorites from this last year for you. The podcast will be back for one more episode next week before going on a holiday/ year end break.

I love each of the episodes of the podcast for so many different reasons but I adore the following 5 for reason’s I’ll share below.

1) Episode 34 Bring Your Whole Self to Work: Anessa Fike I loved this one because it’s a great reminder of what you should be looking for in a career.

2) Episode 51 Radical Sabbatical: With Monica Barnett. This episode because how many of of would love to take a few months off work and explore a new country and take classes and get to know ourselves?!

3) Episode 41: Grief, Failure, Surrender and Growth: This solo episode was really difficult to share. My story this year was winding and challenging and this story is how to rise after grief and failure.

4) Episode 44: Put your Teeth Out: With Ivey Ghee: We talk about digging deep inside yourself and feeling confident in your own skin was so inspiring to me.

5) Episode 47: Author Your life with Lara Zielin: We talk about transforming your life through writing and being an entrepreneur. Lara’s energy is just plain contagious!

So give these a listen or listen again if you’re craving an episode today and then let us know what your favorite episode was from this year.


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