Questions to ask yourself going into the new year

My jaw dropped when I was doing my annual year in review. I looked at the goals I’d set for myself last December and I saw this goal…

Write and publish a book in 2021

Writing and publishing a book has been a goal of mine since I started Yoke and Abundance, but last year was the first time I put it in writing with a deadline. As you know my book Little Failures is set to publish through New Degree press in May of 2022. There’s nothing stopping me from becoming the published author I’ve always wanted to become.

Before Jim Carey became famous or had even landed an important role he dreamed about what he wanted. Then with very little money in his bank account, he wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars for acting services rendered and dated it 10 years into the future. He taped it on his ceiling so that he’d see it every night before he went to bed.

10 years later he was cast in Dumb and Dumber with a contract for 10 million dollars. This isn’t purely a story about the law of attraction. This is a story about the power of writing down our dreams with a deadline, and then doing the work to make them happen.

Writing down my dreams has always been the gateway to making them happen. Which is why this week, the week after Christmas is one of my favorite weeks of the year. It’s almost impossible not to think about our hopes and dreams for the year ahead. It’s worked for me for years, it’s worked for Jim Carey and I know it can work for you too.

It doesn’t matter if you do it in December, January, February, or July, there’s power in reflecting on where you’ve been, where you want to go, and putting it down on paper with a deadline.

If like me you’re using this downtime to reflect, to journal, to assess, and dream I wanted to share with you the format that’s always worked well for me.

  • Make a list of the preview 12 months write out anything of note for each month, the low point, the big achievement, the stand-out moments.

  • Ask yourself a series of questions that will help you reflect on the previous 12 months like: What gave me the most energy? What drained me the most? What felt fulfilling? What do I hope to not relive again?

  • Think about your heart’s desires: What are your biggest hopes, and dreams?

  • Pull yourself a year ahead spread of oracle cards or hire your favorite oracle readers to send you a year ahead spread.

  • Finally, look at the goals you set for the previous year, did you achieve them or not? If you didn’t achieve them are they still important to you? Do they feel like they’re in alignment with your core values? If not let them go.

This year my book writing mentor Eric Koester shared that he asks himself a stoic type question, “What are you afraid you WON’T do in 2022?” I’ll be adding that to my process this year.

If this process appeals to you then you can snag your digital copy of my Yoke and Abundance Year Ahead Year in Review 2022 Planner here.

I can’t wait to hear what goals you’ll put to paper with a deadline to achieve in 2022.

Together We Rise,



The 28 Books I Read In 2021


Moving Forward From Failure