What Are you Planting and Cultivating?


What Are you Planting and Cultivating?

This time of year I’m hyper-aware of what I’m planting, cultivating, and growing not only in my yard but also in my life, my relationships, my family, my health, and my business.

Growing the right things at the right time takes presence, focus, intention, dedication, and work.

Sometimes we need to pull weeds, fertilize, repot, and add more soil. Sometimes we need to compost or water and sometimes we just need to talk to our plants (or loved ones or ourselves) share love admiration and affirmations.

In my business, I’m investing in courses, spending time in research that will fuel my book, and thinking more strategically about my long-term hopes for the business.

In my mind/body health I’m taking part in a 12 day Ayurvedic cleanse or spring reset with Ivy Ingram that’s helping me become more mindful of all the ways I consume (what, when, why, and how). It’s given me more energy and helped me feel better in my body than I have in a long long time (and I’m only 6 days in)!

What are you growing? In your garden, in your life, and in your relationships? How are those gardens doing? Do you know when to bring in a master gardener when necessary? If your gardens of life aren’t flourishing you might just need an outside perspective. Let’s talk! Schedule your 30-minute discovery call with me today, my rates are increasing at the end of spring and it’s about a 2-week wait to be able to get on my calendar once you sign up so don’t wait!



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