Wise Women Wednesday: Aminah Lawson

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Q. Who are you? What is your background? 
A. My name is Aminah Lawson, I'm orginally from Boston, Ma. Moved here to attend NCA &T where I graduated with a Bachelor's in History, then went on to attend GTCC where I received my Associate's in Cosmetic Arts.  

Q. What is your work?
A. My work is to serve, I do that through being a salon owner, product developer, beauty educator, business coach, wife and mommy. 😊

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Q. What is one project you are excited to be working on right now?
A. My 1st book

Q. What is one thing you've done recently that's scared you and took courage, but you're glad you did?
A. Writing my book, because it has allowed me to realize I have something to share. My need to share my thoughts has superceded my fear of what others may think.

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Q. What is the work you most want to be doing and are you doing it?  If not why not? What's stopping you?
Helping business owners to understand that their is great success in creating balance in life and work and yes I am doing this.

Q. What would you tell your high school or college self?
A. Everything you're dreaming, do it!!!

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Q. What's one piece of advice or motto you love and use in your daily life that you would like to share with my sweet readers?
A. I'd say our family motto "Do what your supposed to do, so you can do what you want to do"

Q. What keeps you creating when you don't feel like it?
A. I think my boys, all that we are doing is so they can see us and be bold enough to believe they to can pursue their life's work

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Q. What's your favorite yoga pose?
A. While I dont practice, child's pose is super helpful for my lower back and shoulders after a day at the salon.  

Q. How do you live a life of abundance?
A. By always looking to be balanced in life and business. This feeling brings me great peace and freedom.

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    Wise Women Wednesday: Lara Zielin


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