Wise Women Wednesday: Maria Gonzalez

Q. Who are you? What is your background? 
A. Maria Gonzalez.  I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, activist, and a leader.  I was born and raised in Medellin, Colombia.  I came to the USA almost 21 years ago and I have been in Greensboro for a little over 18 years.

Q. What is your work?
A. I am the CEO of ClubFitness-Greensboro 


Q. What is one project you are excited to be working on right now?
A. I have a few in the making, I’ll be sharing details soon.  I have been very proud to be a part of events that have brought our community together through dance and art with events like GSO National and International Dance Day & Faces of Diversity.

Q. What is one thing you've done recently that's scared you and took courage, but you're glad you did?
A. My change in responsibilities at work.  Having to stop doing what you think you are doing well, and changing gears is always hard but I know firsthand that is what it has helped me grow and become the person I am today.


Q. What is the work you most want to be doing and are you doing it?  If not, why not? What's stopping you? 
A. My lifelong passion has been helping people live a healthier lifestyle, feel better about themselves, and to help our community to embrace diversity by building bridges through social activities, so yes, I feel that my work embraces and reflects my passion and values.

Q. What would you tell your high school or college self?
A. Be fearless in your pursuit. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from what you want to achieve. 


Q. What's one piece of advice or motto you love and use in your daily life that you would like to share with my sweet readers?
A. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller 

Q. What keeps you creating when you don't feel like it?
A. I grew up as a competitive athlete, beginning at an early age.  I did not have time to make excuses for not wanting to go to practice or work hard, I just did it.  I carry on this principal forever…. So, the days that I don’t feel like doing something.  I get ready, prepare for whatever that is and push through it.  


Q. Anything else you'd like to share?
A. I recently read the Wolfpack by Abby Wambach and here is something for all the Wise Women out there:

Call to the WolfPack:
If you have a voice, you have
influence to spread.
If you have relationships, you have
hearts to guide.
If you know young people, you
have futures to mold.
If you have privilege, you have
power to share.
If you have money, you have
support to give.
If you have a ballot, you have
policy to shape.
If you have pain, you have empathy
to offer.
If you have freedom, you have
others to fight for.
If you are alive, you are a leader.

Q. What's your favorite yoga pose? 
A. Tree Pose 

Q. How do you live a life of abundance?
A. Being Grateful, Giving Back and using my gifts to Impact the people around me.


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    Wise Women Wednesday: Paula Damasceno