Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert

Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 27

It’s Marcothon Day 27: Today I achieved a big goal that I’ve been thinking about for a very long time. I was starting to wonder if I could even call myself a real runner if I hadn’t done it yet. Last night I got a good night's sleep, I fueled well, and today I went for it. The goal was just to do it not necessarily be fast. I am now very sore, but I ran 26.3 miles in 4 hours and 30 minutes. I’m up to 172.15 miles for the month of December and now I can call myself a marathon runner.

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Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert

Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 26

It’s Marcothon Day 26: Today I went 3.14 on day 26. So far this year I’ve run a total of 623 miles and counting! I’m up to 145.85 miles so far for the month. I have one more goal I’m thinking about to close out the year, I don’t know if I can make it happen or not. I’m thinking about balancing not getting injured and hitting one other goal. So far I feel pretty darn good but I want to keep it that way.

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Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert

Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 25

It’s Marcothon Day 25: It’s day 25/31 I did a Christmas half marathon (a little more actually) 13.50. I’m at a total of 142.67 miles for December. On today’s run, I ran into one of my professors from my psychology program at Guilford College. I got to tell him how much I loved his class and how I still use it every day. I felt great running. It was cold maybe 31 degrees. I had a blast, it felt good to have so many miles done before 11 am. Merry merry everyone!

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Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert Coaching, Goals, Running, Habit Building Alisha Wielfaert

Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 24

It’s Marcothon Day 24: I’m talking once again about things that feel vulnerable. But on day 24 I ran 4 miles and I’m up to 129.16 miles for the month of December. The video cut off because I got a call but that seemed like a good place to end. Also around mile three, my hair tie fell off. I used the sock I use to keep my phone battery from getting zapped by the cold to tie my hair back.

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