10 Steps to Creating A Life You Love

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10 Steps to Creating A Life You Love

Have you ever felt this way? Lost, not only did you not have a compass, but you had no idea where you should be going? You might have had a vague idea of what you didn’t want to do, but you didn’t know what you wanted to do? Or maybe you know what you want to do but you aren’t sure how to get there, how to build a life that supports those dreams?

If you’ve ever felt that way here are my 10 steps to creating a life you love. They are not linear, sometimes you have to do one step, do another and then go back to the steps you’ve already done. This is a process of trying and refining. This process takes time and there’s no magic pill. If you think a guide would be useful on this journey then schedule a free discovery call with me to see if coaching is right for you.

10 Steps to Creating a Life You Love:

1) Pick Up The Book The Artist’s Way By Julie Cameron and Work the Book:
This book is one of the greatest tools in getting to know yourself and excavating what your dreams and desires actually are. Write the morning pages, take yourself on Artist Dates, and do the exercises at the back of each chapter.

We have an Artist’s Way Group beginning Thursday, March 4th if you need accountability

2) Research:
Read all of the self-help and personal development books that interest you, take classes, try the things that pique your interest, take a unique job purely because it sounds fun.

3) Experiment:
After you’ve done some research, read self-help books, do The Artist’s Way, you might decide to get a certificate, get a new degree, change jobs, try teaching classes. The point is to try new things and have fun!

4) Define Your Core Values:
This is where to really start to think about what is most important to you in building a life you love. You define your values for yourself and you begin building a life around them.

Need help defining your values? Download this FREE Workshop and Workbook to take you step by step through the process.

5) Get Quiet:
It is in stillness and moments of quiet and reflection that we are able to hear our intuition. find a regular practice of stillness, this can be taking time alone in the morning to write morning pages, sitting in silence for 3-5 minutes to check in with yourself, or going for a walk in the neighborhood. When we get quiet regularly it allows our intuition, our true self to speak to us.

6) Identify What You Do and Don’t Want In Your Life:
Think about all of the things in your life that you know you don’t want. Make a list and then next to each one write an action step you can take to begin removing it or minimizing it. Then make a list of all of the things you would like in your life that aren’t currently there. Next to each one write out one action step you can take to begin bringing them into your life.

7) Embrace Your Creativity:
For many people, this step might feel frivolous but I assure you it’s one of the most important steps you can begin taking. Identify a creative practice you are interested in pursuing. This is could be anything from coding, knitting, painting, bookbinding, sewing, blogging, writing, poetry, photography, acting, gardening, it doesn’t matter! The point is to pick a creative pursuit that you enjoy purely for the sake of enjoying it and make time in your calendar each week to do it! It might feel frivolous at first, but it will have long term positive ramifications on everything in your life.

8) Move Your Body:
I interviewed someone once who said something to the effect of, “Move a muscle, change your mind”. You’ll want to consult a Dr. before you start a new exercise regimen, but daily walks, running, yoga, Tai Chi, kickboxing, roller skating, dancing, riding a bike, skateboarding, you name it! These practices will help move energy through your body, they help release endorphins and boost your mood. Finding a physical practice that you enjoy is life-changing not just for the body, but also for the mind.

9) Find a Community to Support Your Journey To Living a Life You Love:
A like-minded community is key in making lasting changes. If you are working towards living a life you love but feel very far from where you want to be a community of other people also working on this will help you get to where you want to be faster and they will help you stay committed and not quit when difficult days happen. A community will help you stay anchored to your purpose.

Here at Yoke and Abundance, we have two types of community groups to support your journey, RAW, our daily morning practice group, or “The Gathering”.

10) Define for yourself what a fulfilling successful life looks like:
Write out in as much detail as you can what a fulfilling successful life looks like. This will help you know where you are, how close you are to where you want to be and it will help see how big the gap might be. Once you know what you’re working towards you can begin to build the baby steps and map to get there. Everyone’s journey looks different. Be patient with yourself. You’ll get there.

Need a guide on the journey to building a life you love? Are you ready to embark on a love affair with your most creative self? If you’re looking for a guide as you navigate a tough life transition, then schedule your free discovery call with me to see how coaching could work for you.



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