How To Become The Woman You've Always Wanted to Be


How To Become The Woman

You've Always Wanted to Be

I am so fired up today! Last night I had a little fire pit with some amazing girlfriends. I'd just put a few more logs on the fire when they all realized it was late for a weeknight and they needed to head out, so there I was sitting alone in my backyard, next to a beautiful warm fire on a perfect evening under the almost full moon. I felt strong, powerful, loved, and especially witchy! That's when a thought I've been having a lot resurfaced for me, “I’ve become the woman I always hoped I’d be!”

Over the last year, in the midst of a global pandemic, I made it a point to live unapologetically by my personal core values because like I tell my clients “no one else will create the life we love for us”. In truth, no one will give us permission to be fully ourselves except us! You must decide what you want and go after it. The more I did what I wanted, like putting off cleaning the house to paint and write, working hard on making my business offerings what would be useful to my clients AND ME, dropping beliefs that didn’t serve me, and most importantly making my core values a priority, the more I became the fullest expression of me!

Now, I decided back in 2017 what I wanted and started taking steps to align with it. It did not happen overnight but throughout 2020 and now I’ve realized that I did become who I was always meant to be and who I ALWAYS wanted to be. This happened because I made the choice to identify what I wanted and took lots and lots of little baby steps every day to get after it! I will not tell your it’s an easy journey because it probably won’t be easy at all. But truthful I don’t think you want easy, easy isn’t normally very fun! Everyone’s journey is unique but I don’t think a feeling like this happens by accident, it takes intention, thoughtfulness, and work.

I’ve created a FREE workshop that you can take on your own time and your own pace to identify your core values and start putting them to work for yourself. Grab my FREE course here. If you know of someone else who would enjoy this course too then by all means don’t keep it a secret! Share it with them too.

If you want to become then woman you’ve always wanted to be and think you could use support, guidance, and community to make it happen I’ve got two great options for you!

Join the March Session of RAW that begins on Monday.


Join my 3.5-month Intensive Course “Cultivating Creativity”

Big, beautiful, fulfilling lives happen because we have the courage to do what’s right for us! We have the courage to make our values a priority. It’s not easy, but it is worth it, I promise!



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