3 Tips for Starting Your Week with Impactful Momentum!

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3 Tips for Starting Your Week with Impactful Momentum!

I’ve got a little secret I want to let you in on! 

Monday is actually my favorite day of the week. It hasn’t always been that way, but for the last 4 years, I truly look forward to jumping out of bed on Monday morning to make a pot of coffee and facing a fresh week, with fresh potential and getting after my long work to-do list, just as much as I look forward to Friday afternoons after a productive work week. I love Mondays because I genuinely love my work, and that’s because all of my work these days is helping me push my greater vision forward.  All of my work is connected and aligned with my core values, and I have a big vision for my life and my work. 

Here are my 3 tips for starting your week with momentum

1)    Take 5-10 minutes on Sunday to look over your calendar for the upcoming week.
Knowing what’s ahead will help you settle in easier when you get to your desk on Monday morning.

2)    Start Your Day with Morning Pages.
Write out 3 pages stream of consciousness first thing in the morning.  Have a notepad and calendar nearby so that you can jot down your to-do list as it will spring to mind while you are writing. This will help you get anxious thoughts, anxiety, and clutter out of your mind before your start your day.  Morning pages are magic!

3)    Know your 3 most important tasks for the day and do them first:
We all have long to-do lists but prioritizing what’s most important to us and doing those first will help us make sure that we are prioritizing things that truly matter.  Everything those three important things is just gravy!

Do you love and look forward to Mondays? If not then let’s talk, maybe it’s time to make some changes to come into alignment with a life and work you can be excited about.

Schedule your FREE 30-minute discovery call with me.



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