4 New Year's Rituals and Other Tools for Reflection and Growth

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I love taking stock of where I’ve been and being intentional about where I want to go. For me it’s not about the “New Year, New You” crap that main stream society likes to ram down our throats. For me the New Year is about intentional reflection. The New Year is not the only time we can stop, reflect, plan, and grow, but if you have down time this can be a powerful time of year to think about where you’ve been and think about where you want to be.

If you enjoy that process then you’ll love these tools…

1) Three Year End Reflection Tools Bundle: In this bundle I’ve put three of my favorite reflection tools together and discounted them for you.

2) Year in Review and Year Ahead Reflection tools: This digital workbook, can be purchased alone, with an audio course or with audio course and coaching. It is a powerful punch to help you align and shine in 2020.

3) A Year Ahead Reading: This digital reading is a fantastic tool to give you a different perspective on the year ahead. It’s on SALE between now and the end of the year.

4) In The Company of Women: A special 6 week course where we hold space for each other to uncover what’s most important to us and build a plan to get there.


Reflect, Dream, Plan, Act. The Only Way To Grow


2009-2019 What I've Learned This Decade