Reflect, Dream, Plan, Act. The Only Way To Grow

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“What are you speaking into existence?”  The daily horoscope app asked me and then proceeded to tell me “Your words have power, your writing has power.  Your thoughts determine your worldview.” 

Right! I feel like that’s what I tell clients all of the time, but even coaches need to hear it sometimes too.  So I thought back about all of the things I spoke into existence.

In the last 10 years I’ve …

Become a 200- and 300-hour certified yoga teacher
Opened and ran a yoga studio
Helped start the non-profit Face to Face
Quit a job that wasn’t serving me
Traveled the world
Bought a home
Started a coaching business
Went to the World Domination Summit
Attended many workshops on yoga and mindfulness but also experienced a workshop with Pema Chodron and Julia Cameron
Became a certified Positive Psychology Practitioner

Time after time I’ve invested in myself through courses, workshops, retreats, books and then took action on what I learned to gain practical experience.   

None of the things I’ve accomplished happened over night. They took dreaming, planning, goal setting, vision boarding, networking, collaboration.

I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished over the last 10 years.  I can promise you that none of it would have happened if I hadn’t given myself time to think, think about what I had accomplished, think about where I’d been, what I REALLY DIDN’T like and time and space to dream about where I wanted to go. 

It all starts with intentionality.  For my annually I reflect, monthly I reflect and take stock, weekly I make sure I’m taking baby steps that will get me closer to my goals and daily I write morning pages.  This is my strategy, it keeps me on track and helps me get to where I want to go. 

I’m excited about my dreams for the next 1, 5 and 10 years.  I’ve got so much I want to do.  In fact, I’m on fire with everything I want to do and the impact I hope to make with my work.    

If you have dreams, or even if you don’t know what your dreams are yet, you can get there with the right tools and the right support too! 

The tools I’ve put together are the finely tuned processes I’ve been using myself for the last decade.  They are tried and true and they will work for you. 

Consider any of these 4 tools I’m sharing that will help you reflect, dream, plan and take action. 

Here’s the question, are you going to choose you? Are you going to choose to invest in yourself to get to where you need to go? Or are you going to keep wishing and dreaming for the next year or 5 years or decade?


1) Three Year End Reflection Tools Bundle: In this bundle I’ve put three of my favorite reflection tools together and discounted them for you.

In this offering yoga get…

  • A Year Ahead Spread digital reading with the animal Spirit cards

  • Year Ahead and Year in Review Digital Workbook, Audio Course and Quarterly Zoom Check-In’s.

  • A one hour Coaching Call

  • and a few other special bonuses

2) Year in Review and Year Ahead Reflection tools: This digital workbook, can be purchased alone, with an audio course or with audio course and coaching. It is a powerful punch to help you align and shine in 2020.

The Digital Workbook Includes:

-Thoughtful prompts to review each month of 2019

-Worksheet with step-by-step instructions teaching you to pull your own Past, Present, Future Spread with oracle cards

-Probing questions to uncover dreams and desires for 2020

-Two-page step-by-step worksheet on creating your own vision board for 2020

- 1 page for each month of the year in 2020 to help you stay connected, and committed to meeting your 2020 goal and dreams

-An much much more…

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3) A Year Ahead Reading: This digital reading is a fantastic tool to give you a different perspective on the year ahead. It’s on SALE between now and the end of the year.

4) In The Company of Women: A special 6 week course where we hold space for each other to uncover what’s most important to us and build a plan to get there.

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If you’ve got big dreams, big projects, or maybe you feel stuck and could use a nudge then let’s work together. Not sure if the offerings above are right for you? Then simply schedule your free 30 minute discovery call with me to figure out the best options for you.

If not now, when?


31 Days of Running in December: Marcothon 2019


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