Advice to My Past Self

Past Self.JPG

Advice to My Past Self

Sometimes google and iphoto remind us of our past selves, like this pic from 2010, a momentary glimmer of the person I was popped up. Often on the Y&A Podcast, I’ll ask guests “if you could go back and give your past self-advice what advice would you tell her? This is what I would tell past me...

1) Follow your heart, Always. Cut the ties to what isn’t feeding your soul. The sooner you embark on that journey the better. No one will create your dream job, your dream relationship, or your dream life for you.
2) Screw Sheryl Sandberg’s advice. Don’t lean into a table where you aren’t wanted or valued. Go find the most creative, interesting, diverse group of go-getting women you can find, and together build a table that you can add leaves to!
3) Stop trying to convince other people of your love, your value, and your worth. If “friends”, boyfriend’s, co-workers, or the job you’re in need to be convinced that you are worthy and valuable, and you have good opinions and ideas then you are not with the right people or in the right place. Stop playing Tetris with your soul to become who other people want you to be.
4) Creativity is your everything, the way you feel loved, the way you show love, and the path to healing. When you let creativity be your priority everything else will fall into place. Don’t underestimate the role creativity will play in your life.
5)The only way you will succeed, and rise is by taking others with you. Surround yourself with people who believe that too and then take everyone you can with you. You need a community and everyone else does too. Don’t try to be the lone wolf, you are better together.

Now it’s your turn. Comment below, share one piece of advice you’d give your past self. Tag a girlfriend and share a post like this in your feed, post an old photo with the 5-10 pieces of advice you’d give that past self, and encourage others to do the same. Please tag me if you do it so I can learn from your advice too.

If you have goals and dreams that you are working towards and need a push or someone to work with you to map things out, then schedule your free discovery call with me.



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