The Impact Formula

The Impact Formula.png

The Impact Formula

One of the things I talk with my clients about often is Legacy.  When you leave this earth in your physical form, what legacy, what impact do you want to know you left behind?  If we wait until retirement to think about this question it’s probably almost too late (although, I’ll also tell you it’s never too late to go after what you want).  Please don’t wait to think about this question because it’s one that all of us should be asking ourselves and revisiting every year.  Planning the legacy, we want to leave behind is a brilliant way to start with the end in mind.  When we answer the question “what legacy do we want to leave behind”, we get to the heart of our intentions.  Yet, Intentions alone will not take us up the mountain.  We’ve all heard the saying, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. 

Once you’ve identified your intention, you can begin to think about the strategic action that needs to be taken to make your dream a reality. 

When you have intention + action those two things alone will give you a result.  You could stop there, but you’d be leaving so much possibility on the table.

Here’s where the last piece of the formula comes in and I’d argue this is the most important piece of the formula.  Add in community and you will amplify your energetic result.  My favorite energy worker Sky Bradshaw always talks about 1+1=3 in energy because you’re amplifying.  Community is an amplifier, community takes 1+1 and makes 3!  In the bible (which I don’t quote often) the Great Creator says “wherever two or more are gathered, I am there”.  1+1=3.  I believe that when you have two people 1+1 alchemizes to create love which makes three and our community helps us spread our intention, our legacy, and our love.   

Spend some time today thinking about the legacy you want to leave (intention), think about the action steps you will take to get there, and think about the community you’re surrounding yourself with, are they the right community to help you spread the love, the message, you’re creating?  Your intention + Your Actions + Your Community = Create the impact and legacy you leave

If you have goals and dreams that you are working towards and need a push or someone to work with you to map things out, then schedule your free discovery call with me.



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