Behind the Scene's: My Writing Space While Traveling

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Behind The Scene’s: My Writing Space While Traveling to Visit My Mom

Here’s a behind-the-scenes for you…

I’m working on my book around the topic of failure working. Its working title is “Failure is a Sacred Rite” and even when I’m traveling I’m still working on the book. Tonight I have a goal of getting one story written out for the book that will end up around probably 1000 words.

Here are a few things I brought with me on this trip for my writing desk knowing that I’d have to write.

My watercolors are laid out to remind me that the fruits of my labor are beautiful and it’s a bit of a teaser like “once you finish writing you can go paint”. I begin with a ritual so before I start writing I’ll set an intention for today’s writing time, light some sage, then pause and ask for guidance, and then dive in! I have my coffee mug handy because its presence is grounding like a security blanket. A few rouge hair ties just in case it’s messy bun time and a notebook in case I need to write something out by hand.

It’s a bit different from my writing space at home but from a Feng Shui perspective, the cool thing about this room is that I’m facing West and that’s what Marie Diamond suggested as the best way for me to face when writing when I took her assessment.

Oh, and the desk that I’m writing at was crafted by my dad, by hand for me when I was in the 6th grade! How cool is that?

Your turn, what are your writing Must-Have’s? Drop them below!
Now excuse me it’s time to put the pause on social media and go do the writing work!



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