My Tips to Pitch Yourself to Be a Great Podcast Guest

Want to get booked as a guest on someone's podcast?

Here's what I’ve learned about potential podcast guest pitches from being pitched over 100 times!

The Yoke and Abundance Wise Women Podcast is a little over 3 years old with 146 episodes released almost 1 episode a week consistently over the last 3 years. I’ve had the opportunity to interview over 100 people and I’ve been pitched by folks wanting to be on the podcast at least as many times if not more. If you want to pitch to be on a podcast here is my advice….

1) Reference the podcast you’re reaching out to by name, add something acknowledgment of something from one of the past episodes that stood out to you. If you really wanted to entice the podcaster to be more likely to book you or whom you’re pitching for, then listen to an episode and write a review on it.

2) Share specifically why you or whom you're pitching for is a good guest and how they would connect to the podcaster's audience, specifically tie it back to the one you're pitching in a strong way.

3) Tell me what your strategy will be to advertise the episode you’d be on. For example, would you get on social media after the interview and ask your folks to go follow the podcaster so they won't miss the episode when it comes out? Will you share it with your email list? Will you promote it on social media?

If your pitch doesn’t include how you’ll be a good podcast guest, or if it doesn’t include how your message is specifically relevant to my audience I’m not interested in having you on the show. But, I promise you if you started adding any of these things you'll increase you're booking rates.

If you need coaching on how to do this specifically for you Schedule your free 30 minute consultation to see if coaching around this is right for you.



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