Can we talk? How is your heart today?


How is your heart feeling these days? How do you feel physically, energetically, emotionally?

Can you and I talk heart to heart for a moment? Did you know that you are precious to me? You might wonder why I'm saying that, especially if we've never spoken before or don’t know each other.

Well here's the thing, three years ago I put in notice at my steady income giving, insurance providing, 401K growing job because I knew I was put on this earth to do something different. I walked away from the perceived security of the job in the financial industry that I'd just spent 11 years building because I knew to my core I was supposed to do something very different.

I left corporate america with a host of tools, and years of training in yoga and meditation, but I saw there were gaps in my knowledge. Even though I had majored in psychology I wanted to make certain I would have the strongest tools to serve my clients. To bridge the gap I took a 7 month long certification from the Flourishing center in Applied Positive Psychology. Now I felt fully equipped to serve those that were working with me as a coach. I didn't realize that there was still something missing.

The last 3 years of entrepreneurship, I've been in service to doing the work that I knew I was put on this earth to do. Some people have told me that I've been brave because they know these years have not been easy.  Those folks are right, these years have been nothing short of a cosmic rollercoaster ride, wrought with the most uncertainty I NEVER could have dreamed of, but I’m not sure it’s bravery when you know stay the course because you know you must.

The earth shifted out from underneath me last year when I lost my dad unexpectedly. It was as if the ground shook and all of sudden I was living on mars while everyone else was living on earth. Then still reeling from grief less than a month after burying him, I was sued by american express because my business debt had mounted higher than I was able to pay. I came to terms with the fact that I would indeed have to file for bankruptcy something that would consume me the majority of 2019. My most terrifying fear around entrepreneurship had come true.  Each day was a walk in faith, would I make enough money to cover expenses or not?

All last year trying to walk on shaking ground I did my best to stay focused only on what I could control, I stayed focused on my tools. I kept working, and I kept moving forward.

I'm telling you this because I need you to know that I too have had the rug pulled out from underneath me.  And from one who's been there to another, I can assure you that whatever you're feeling right now in a time of global pandemic, from fear to grief, gratitude to excitement, and even joy to love, those feelings are all valid,! Valid, all of them. 

I need you to know that I understand what it's like to have to surrender to the situation you're in even if you never wanted to be in that situation to begin with. I've been down on my knees prostrate in surrender. I've had to learn about faith, I didn't realize faith was actually something inside me and I could walk in it. Armed with faith I relied on all the tools I'd gathered for clients and apply them to myself in order to rise.

I know it might feel like the earth is shifting under your feet right now.

Businesses I know and love are struggling, friends and family are in crisis for a multitude of reasons. We collectively as a human race are experiencing a trauma. We need each other now more than ever.

And eventually the dust will settle, and you will rise too.  If you don't have faith, I have enough faith to share with you.  

And so when I say that you, you here reading this mean more to me than I can put into words, what I mean is that you and everyone else who follow me and my work, with every video you watch, each podcast episode you listen to, each person I've had the privilege to coach, and every person who has come to a workshop or program has allowed me to step into the role of who I know I was called to be.

I believe I was uniquely prepared to be a helper, healer and a guide during this time.

So thank you.  Thank you for being here and being a part of Yoke and Abundance, you are why I do the work that I do.  

For all of those reasons I'm thinking about you and about what you might need most right now.

I'm offering a number of workshops that use tools of Yoga, Meditation, Creativity, and Positive Psychology to keep you grounded and connected to yourself in the midst of everything swirling around you. I'll list them at the bottom of this email.  Many are free some cost money, but if you are called to be in one of the programs and money is an issue because of covid-19 just shoot me an email saying covid-19, and let me know what workshop you want to participate in and I will send you a code to register at no cost.  

Thank you for reading, Thank you for being here, I hope your heart is well,


Upcoming April Events


Gentle Yoga and meditation Tuesday’s and Thursday’s Noon-1pm REGISTER HERE

4 Coaching slots for individual clients open in April Schedule your FREE discovery call here to see if coaching is for you

Podcast Sponsorship is Currently Deeply Discounted to help Small Businesses Promote their Business to a large audience of women. If you have questions email Alisha at


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Saving You A Seat!