Saving You A Seat!

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In just a few hours, enrollment for Re-Awakening Wisdom Daily closes for March.

Imagine how amazing it would feel to wake up next week brew your coffee, pull out your journal and favorite pen, and then log onto zoom joining a collective of like-minded women ready to help you commit to your creative practice. Imagine how powerful it might be to have support and a safe place to reflect as you commit to a morning practice practice of writing morning pages, meditating, or even sketching and painting.

The practice of committing to your creativity has the power to transform your life.

Consider this. If not you, who? If not now, when? There is a cost of not taking action. What will it look like for you to put this off for another month? If you put it off one more month why wouldn't you put it off again? Putting it off over and over until you forget the idea completely?

So often we put our dreams and desires last, but I believe it's most important to follow your intuition. What's it asking you to do now?

I know how big of a decision this is. I also know that nothing is going to change unless you do. Big dreams require big actions.

Allow me to save you years of doing it on your own as I guide this collective through a creative morning practice with an artfully facilitated conversation about what came up for you in your work that morning. This post morning pages conversation with our collective of open-hearted creative women are about to change your life.

But you must have courage. I've been in your shoes teetering on the decision join something that might be WAAAY out of your comfort zone. I know it can feel scary, overwhelming, uncomfortable and intimidating. But if I can do it, you absolutely can too. If you can just find a few seconds of courage your life could be changed forever. (Mine was!)

I created this program specifically with you in mind. And I know it works because I've been hearing things like this from the participants "This practice has become so central to my life and really helps me get through the day"

If you know in your heart that it's time to take yourself and your creative process seriously then there isn't a better choice you can make than choosing to join us for the March session of Re-Awakening Wisdom Daily.

If you have any questions, just hit reply. You have my word that I'll get back to you!

I hope to have you join us for this amazing experience!



Can we talk? How is your heart today?


Meditations: Golden Light Meditation