In The Company of Women Starts This week! Are you In?
I believe we need to connect and be seen in our desires for them to flourish. We all need to share what we're up to (or want to be up to), even if we don't know how to put it into words yet.
That's why I created "In The Company of Women". A special small group coaching experience for you to think about what you really want, share it in a safe environment with other women and create a roadmap to bring it to fruition.
It begins this Wednesday and there is still room for you! If not now, when?
There are two spots left in the 3:00-4:30 session and a few spots left in the 7:30-9:00pm session.
What would it feel like to have time to explore what you want? What would it feel like to be seen and supported on your journey?
Still on the Fence? Here's what some other graduates of the program had to say about the experience...
"I had been looking at doing In the Company of Women for a while, intrigued by the idea of experiencing coaching with a group of women. The most beneficial parts of the process for me were participating in individual coaching conversations facilitated by Alisha, connecting with wonderful, supportive women and daily writing through morning pages. What surprised me the most about the group coaching process with Alisha was how comfortable it was from the beginning. I loved being able to relax and have fun while doing the work. I was delighted by the goodie bag, the love letters and all of the special touches." Amy S.
"I decided to take part in “In the Company of women” because I was wanting to connect more with the community and especially other women who are seekers and open to this type of growth and exploration. I was trying to find my next life's purpose. Through the group coaching experience, I was able to come to acceptance and joy for being able to explore and spend this time trying things out versus pushing myself to come up with my purpose. The most beneficial part of the process was feeling so connected and supported by 6 other women; sharing my problem and then each woman having a great question, showing support or just feeling such open love from them all. I thought Alisha did an amazing job of bringing us all together and creating that sacred space." -Jory Froggatt
Together We Rise,