Let Go of This One Idea to Get What You Most Want In Life

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Let Go of This One Idea to Get What You Most Want In Life 

One of the biggest reasons I stayed in a job and an industry that didn’t suit me for over a decade is because I didn’t think I was ready to spread my wings and leave the nest of a steady paycheck, a 401k, or employer-sponsored health insurance.  The truth is no one is ever ready to let those things go.  But it’s bigger than that, Tony Robbins famously says “ People will do more to avoid pain than they will to gain pleasure”. If you’re thinking of leaving a job, a relationship, a situation, a habit that isn’t suiting you to try something new and foreign, I can guarantee that you will never actually feel ready.  When you sit in the place of knowing you need to leave but not leaving or knowing you need to take a risk and not leaping you are sitting in the seat of actively working to avoid pain instead of actively working to grant yourself pleasure.

All successful people made the choice to try before they actually felt ready. If you’re ready to stop avoiding pain and seek a more fulfilling life try this, instead of thinking about what you’re losing when making a change start thinking about what you will gain in the new way of being.  For me, I was gaining freedom to be more creative, freedom over my calendar, new possibilities for networking.  I was gaining the opportunity to build something for myself.  I was gaining a new way of thinking.  I was gaining the ability to travel, I was gaining the ability to believe in myself, to believe in my own skills and abilities.   I was gaining the ability to be excited and proud of the body of work I’d be putting into the world. When I looked at everything I could potentially gain by making the change and taking the leap I saw how much I was losing by staying put.

The truth is if it’s important enough, most of the time, none of us ever feel truly ready! None of us ever feel truly prepared and we might not be, but until you start trying you don’t become ready.  We learn by doing, we learn by trying it and making mistakes and failing forward.  That is how learning and growth happens.   

What is something in your life that you are dreaming of right now that you don’t feel ready to do yet and why?  Share below let’s talk about it!

Do you want to learn how to change your mindset? Are you ready to embark on a love affair with your most creative self? Do you need a guide as you navigate a tough life transition? Then schedule your free discovery call with me to see how coaching could work for you.



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