Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 14 MINDSET MATTERS

Marcothon 2020: Day 14

It’s Marcothon Day 14: Today was tough from a mindset standpoint. It was the toughest day so far of Marcothon because it was cold and raining but I still got in my intended mileage. I didn’t want to follow through on my goal, today I talk about what I did to get through.

Today because it had been raining so hard my path was blocked in many places. I had to go around or through in spots that soaked my shoes and feet but I persevered. What do you do when the going gets tough? Check out the pictures from today’s rainy run below.

If you want to build a new healthy habit Join me in the January Yoke and Abundance Habit Building Booster

If you have goals and dreams that you are working towards and need a push or someone to work with you to map things out, then schedule your free discovery call with me.

Day 14 Garmin.jpg
Day 14 The River is overflowing.JPG
Day 14 my path was blocked.JPG



Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 15


Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 13