Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 28

Marcothon 2020: Day 28

It’s Marcothon Day 28: Today was the most difficult day yet of marcothon from a physical point of view. That was to be expected after yesterday's Marathon. I did the minimum today of 3.1 miles, I ran it very slowly, but I'm up to 175.24 miles for the month.

If you want to build a new healthy habit Join me in the January Yoke and Abundance Habit Building Booster

If you have goals and dreams that you are working towards and need a push or someone to work with you to map things out, then schedule your free discovery call with me.

Marcothon Day 28 me.JPG



Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 29


Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 27