What False Stories Are You Telling Yourself?

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What False Stories Are You Telling Yourself?

I used to believe I was forced into entrepreneurship.  Entrepreneurship and owning a business felt like a cruel side effect of getting to do work that I loved.  But recently I had a memory of one of my first enterprising experiences.  Around the age of 7-10, I was given a pot holder maker and the supplies to make potholders.  Do you remember those little red mettle squares with teeth on all 4 sides that came with a bag of almost scrap fabric loops that were in the shape of large fabric rubber bands?  If you know what I’m talking about here drop me a <3!

Making potholders was the simplest most satisfying creative project as a kid!  I could make them so quickly!  I made a bunch, but what was I going to do with a bunch of potholders?  I got the idea I should sell them!  We lived a house down from a chiropractor’s office and I set up a little table next to that chiropractor’s office and sold them for 5 dollars each!  One day I sold a whopping 5! 25 bucks for a 9-year-old and less than 2 hours of work in the ’80s is kinda a big deal!

If I own my own story I can tell you might first creative/maker’s business started at 9 years old!  If that’s not a young entrepreneur I don’t know what is?!  I wanted to share that with all of you because I’m wondering what story you’re telling yourself?  Are you telling yourself that you’re not an entrepreneur?  Are you telling yourself that you don’t have what it takes?  Listen I’ve never been conventional, I didn’t have a lemonade stand I had a potholder stand, from the beginning I’ve been looking for ways to get my creativity out into the world.  I bet you have too.   

If you’re working on courses for women, if you’re thinking about how you’ll be a spiritual director and building out your programs, creating circles and communities for women, or If you’re thinking about scaling your consulting business, I see you.  I not only see you, I love you!  When you put your work in the world, when you shine, when you put in so much work and energy, and passion you are making the world a better place.  Your work matters what you want to do in the world matters.  Think back, what was your first creative business?  Let me know in the comments below!

If you need help changing your stories and looking at what you’re doing through a different narrative, then let’s talk, maybe coaching is right for you?



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