Wise Women Podcast Turns 2!


In August, the Wise Women Podcast turns two years old and in September we will hit our 100th Episode.

This podcast was born out of my desire to amplify the voices of women as well as a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds to buy the recording equipment.  This community (which continues to grow every day) rallied together to get the podcast started by voting with their dollars to say “Yes! The Wise Women Podcast is important, and I want to invest in it!”

I still remember how my dad sent me little “sponsorship” checks the first few months, showing me how much he believed in what I was doing.   

Together, we have shone the light on the work, stories, and wisdom of many, many women over the last few years.  We have built a community of devoted and engaged listeners. 


I am grateful for

the women who have taken time to share their stories, grateful for everyone who has listened over the past two years, grateful to the many, many sponsors who have financially invested in the podcast.  I am grateful for those of you who have become patrons through our Patreon account.  Every little and big piece of support has made a difference. 
When I dreamed of getting to this point I had envisioned a big party bash with different women from this Yoke and Abundance community speaking about the big and sometimes little lessons they’ve learned in life followed by a Wise Women panel discussion like we did the first couple of years. 

We all know why that format isn’t happening.  But we can still celebrate!


To help us celebrate the 2 year Anniversary in August as well as the 100th episode coming up in September I’m asking for your support.  There are countless ways to support this podcast…

  • Look back at the episodes you’ve listened to.  Share your favorites by writing a post about it on social media, forwarding it to a friend, or send an email blast to your friends and family letting them know why you love the podcast, and especially why you think they might love it too.

  • Start a conversation in the Yoke and Abundance Facebook group about one of the topics the podcast brought up that week

  • Like, and comment when you see we’ve announced a new episode is up on social media (this helps with algorithms)

  • Consider financially supporting the podcast as a Patreon backer

  • If you have a business, service, or program you’d like to spread the word about consider becoming a Podcast episode sponsor at one of the many levels available so that your work can reach our audience. 

Thank you for being a part of this community and we hope you’ll be celebrating with us over the next few months!   


Naked vs. RAW


Answering the call of your soul