Home Practice, Kitchen/Cooking, Self Care, Thoughts Alisha Wielfaert Home Practice, Kitchen/Cooking, Self Care, Thoughts Alisha Wielfaert

Wise Women Podcast Turns 2!

In August, the Wise Women Podcast turns two years old and in September we will hit our 100th Episode.

This podcast was born out of my desire to amplify the voices of women as well as a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds to buy the recording equipment. This community (which continues to grow every day) rallied together to get the podcast started by voting with their dollars to say “Yes! The Wise Women Podcast is important, and I want to invest in it!”

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Home Practice, Kitchen/Cooking, Self Care, Thoughts Alisha Wielfaert Home Practice, Kitchen/Cooking, Self Care, Thoughts Alisha Wielfaert

Backyard Funerals and Sourdough Boules

Maybe if I could bake the perfect loaf of sourdough bread I could recognize myself again. I could recognize the person who is eating too much, sleeping too much, binging Netflix too much, resisting walks, resisting being outside. Who is this stranger in my house? I bake sourdough in hopes that I’ll revive the inner part of me that’s MIA. I want to look in the mirror and recognize the person who’s looking back at me, but I don’t.

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