Wise Women Wednesday: Lara Zielin
“When we write about ourselves in the third person, it fools our brain into believing it a bit more. This is called cognitive distance, and it’s a really effective tool when we’re trying to change our thinking or patterns of behavior. The #1 thing I always write is “Lara loves herself.” It sounds so simple, but …”
Wise Women Wednesday: Susan Watson
“Slow down, listen to the wisdom of your heart. When making a decision, play it forward and make the best decision with the best information you have, listen to wise counsel. Be open to different ways of thinking, different people, change is good. Have courage, compassion & commitment.”
Wise Women Wednesday: Mary Boyer
Clearly starting this company is risky…very risky…but a life without risks is no life at all. Many things that I have done in my life have taken a great deal of courage. I am glad that I am still willing to risk, and that I have never lost that ability (no matter how scared I am inside of failure…and I am!).
Wise Women Wednesday: Kelli Stennett
“Knowing my children are watching me. I always tell them that can’t is a bad word and once you say it your brain shuts down. This means I can’t say can’t.”