Episode 69: In Service To A Message

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In this episode, Alisha interviews Audrey Sheldon on being in service to a sacred message, working on the project of “me”, and staying true to ourselves.

Journaling Prompts from Episode 69

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Episode 69 Notes:

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Audrey Sheldon: Inner Guide Workshops

Started The Yoga Studio Free Spirits.
Teaching for about 15 years.
Staying dedicated to the way my heart leads me to show up to people.
In service to a message.
I carry a sacred diamond message of remembering who we are and that we have an ability to connect to ourselves that is beyond the programing and stories we’ve been told and told ourselves.
Always reminding people that what they see in my is a reflection of some thing within themselves.
There are tools to share the message.
Yoga is the butter delivery vehicle.
In a receptive space crafting a message that is delivered by source.
Everyone has made a psychic intention of what they want to get out of their experience.
When I dedicate myself to listening and following what I’m supposed to share, I surrender and trust.
My job is to be obedient.
Tools to support people in their self-exploration.
Episode of Yoke and Abundance that includes drumming my Audrey Sheldon
The Project of me.
Attending to myself and learning what that means.
Expanding and connecting to what shows up.
My main project is to attend to myself because it’s this time that’s preparing me for the true expansion that’s coming. 
Enjoy this sweet time of taking care of myself.
Being able to facilitate what is being asked of me.
In total surrender.
Co-Facilitating with Jamie Forbes Yoga teacher training that is happening in March.
What does it mean to be a Shaman?
Shamanism is a technology that gives us access to a leave of connectedness.
Learning how to navigate the process of crossing the vail.
What we discover when we cross the vail.
Giving us access to transmute pain into power.
How to see spirit within all of creation and all things.
Learning my relationship to spirit.
Everything in me is drawing me into myself.
Seek, discover, allow.
I am in service to the longing.
Trust Yourself.
Follow the yellow brick road and things will be highlighted to you.
Develop the necessary qualities in yourself.
Develop courage, learn how to communicate with it.
When something highlights, move towards it.
If it lights me up and feels good. I move to that direction.
The more we can become comfortable with the journey of the unknown the more the path will rise up to meet us.
Release of attachment.
Nothing is as it seems.
I always have to be willing to sacrifice everything for what I know to be true.  Sacrifice the things that are most precious. 
If we stay true to ourselves, you can’t be wrong.
Every being carries something unique and precious and our relationship to that unique and precious thing, anything that comes from that relationship to that thing is valuable, and important and teaching us how to bring it forward. Teaching us how to embody it and care for it.
Now is the time that we are being asked to bring forward our gifts, talents and abilities without holding back. Letting go of old stories about fear, lack and abundance.
We all have a message if we can get quiet enough to hear it and brave enough to walk our message.
Unleash the less polished me.
Be very gentle with the people in our lives.
Nobody sees the failures, mis-steps and the pain that has made us who we’ve become.
Authentic vulnerability is one of the keys to transmutation.  Transmuting pain into power. 
Unconditionally love myself without shying away from the truth.
Give people permission to look at the.
Share without shame: Am I actually going to tell the real story?
Encourage myself and every single person who’s listening to keep looking within.
Be careful not to get caught up with what we see happening all around us.
The yellow brick road that we’re being called to is constantly unfolding.
Support each other, be kind to each other. 
Live a life of abundance by feeling like I’m deeply cared for and deeply held.
Every single person and the classes that I teach is because people show up to support me.

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