15 Movies From my Childhood that Made Me the Weirdo I am Today

15 Movies from the 80’s and 90’s that Made me the Weirdo I Am Today

Nothing quite has the power to influence us like a good movie, or book. For the most part my parents highly censored what I watched as a kid and who knows if I’m better off or not from it.

There are a number movies that stick out from my childhood as special and have definitely shaped who I am today. Here are 15 of my favorites that I would absolutely watch again now, that I think you might enjoy too. In no particular order.

1) Drop Dead Fred: I still can quote parts of this one today and it absolutely makes me giggle. Watch this one if you need belly laughs

2) Willow: My parents couldn’t get a babysitter for their anniversary in May of 1988, and well they desperately wanted to see a more adult movie. They took us to see Willow with them and I vividly remember sitting on the edge of my seat and my mom trying to cover my eyes for parts of this movie. It was a little kid’s dream come true!

3) BeetleJuice: I’m not sure I need to say much about this one because it’s pretty popular, and doesn’t disappoint. But who else sings the Banana Song when they think about this movie?

4) Edward Scissorhands: This classic was so strange it was wonderful and while I’m not a fan of Depp anymore I still love this movie.

5) Who Framed Roger Rabbit: This MOVIE!! It influenced my life in ways I’ll never be able to articulate in words. I even had nightmares that these characters were hiding in my closet and needed my help. More notably after watching this film, my sister and I blew up balloons, put them under our shirts, and strutted around the house saying “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way”.

6) The Witches: This movie might be why I hate mice so much.

7) The Black Cauldron: This is a Disney classic that is rarely talked about.

8) Newsies: I remember watching this on TV in my living room and dancing and singing along. So much fun!

9) The Sandlot: This movie remains not only one of my top five favorite movies ever made, it’s the only movie I can quote huge portions of.

10) Ladyhawk: I have no idea how or when I saw this one, but it’s captivated my imagination since I was little and I’m pretty sure I only saw it once.

11) Aladdin: I’d like to tell that I’m above the Disney Princess movies, but I totally had a weird crush on Aladdin and LOVED the music from this one so much!

12) The Never Ending Story: I know this became a cult classic but it was the stuff my childhood was made of!

13) The Neverending Story: I loved this movie and it was one of the few PG-13 movies I got away with watching under 13.

14) The Dead Poet’s Society: I could watch this one over and over again.

15) Ever After: This cinderella story came out when I was in the 8th grade and it was just what I needed!

Now comment below and let me know how many on this list you’ve seen. If you had a favorite from the 80’s or 90’s I missed let me know!



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