Life, Creativity, Resiliency, and Career Coaching: 3 Reasons Not To Hire Me and 15 Reasons You Should Seriously Consider Working with Me

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Life, Creativity, Resiliency, and Career Coaching:

3 Reasons Not To Hire Me and 15 Reasons You Should Seriously Consider Working with Me

Everyone comes to a place in life where they need a boost, a new perspective, inspiration a guide but if you’re feeling stuck I’ve got three big reasons NOT to work with me and fifteen reasons you should

Let’s start with the three main reasons you shouldn’t work with a coach…

1st: I can’t do the work for you.  

Just hiring a coach doesn’t solve your problem, but I too wish it was that easy.  When you work with a coach you’re probably going to uncover a lot of homework that I as the coach can’t do for you.  I can point you in the direction of what work is probably going to have the biggest impact, but you’re the only one who can do the work.  

2nd: I’m not a therapist. 

Most of my clients work in tandem with me and a therapist.  Often working with a coach or in a group coaching program brings up past issues.  I help you see what’s there, what’s getting in the way of where you want to be, and together we build a path to move forward and get to where you want to go, but often therapy needs to be a part of the equation and that’s not what I do.  Clients often tell me my work is like or better than therapy, but I know my work is best-done hand in hand with a good therapist. 

3rd: I’m Not Here to Be Your Friend.

Part of the beauty of working with a coach is that a coach is a disinterested third party.  A neutral person whose only vested interest is in seeing you succeed.  The further arm’s length my clients are the better, it’s easier to give objective reflections of what’s being communicated to me. 

Here are 15 Reasons why women come to work with me a Life coach who specializes in creativity, entrepreneurship, resiliency, and career changes. Some of these need a little explanation and some do not…

  1. Accountability: 
    Sometimes the simple act of telling someone else what we want to do, out loud helps us move forward towards where we want to be.  If we’ve said our goal out loud it will help us be accountable to achieve and accomplish it.  

  1. Confidence Boosting
    We’ve all been there before, one too many red lights in life in a row. We start to lose heart and we need to regroup and begin doing a few things to help us build our confidence back. A skilled coach can help you with this.

  2. Community: Group coaching programs like RAW or Cultivating Creativity or my 6-Week Spring Group coaching program. I learned that the founder of positive psychology summed up the science of flourishing by saying “other people matter”. It’s true we get where we’re going faster by doing it with others. I’m not sure who said this but it’s accurate the gist is "if you want to go painfully slow, do it alone. If you want to go fast do it with others.

  3. You’re feeling a lack of purpose or don’t know what you want. If you work with a coach you’ll save time and money moving through times of feeling not connected to purpose and not knowing what you’re supposed to be doing. We all have these times and a coach can help you shorten their duration.

  4. You need a disinterested neutral party to hold up a mirror. A coach is different from a parent, or close friend in that the only vested interest they have is in seeing you succeed. A skilled coach will help you see what’s going on from the birds-eye view. They don’t actually offer advice, but they help you see what’s really going on, get curious about the right things and build a plan to where you want to be.

  5. You’re navigating a transition like a divorce, an empty nest, retirement, a major career change, or grief to name a few. Transitions are difficult, don’t go it alone. A skilled coach will help you make meaning out of where you are and navigate the transition.

  6. Resiliency: You’ve experienced something difficult and you’re trying to not just bounce back, but also flourish. Have you heard of post-traumatic growth? Growing from trauma is possible, mindset matters, and a coach can help you keep the right mindset to not just get through but to flourish.

  7. You’re feeling stagnant and stuck. Everyone feels stagnant and stuck from time to time. A coach helps you save time and money moving through these times in your lives with grace. They will also help you build your toolbox so when it happens again you’re better able to navigate on your own.

  8. You have a dream and you don’t know how to make it happen. One of the most powerful things a coach can do is help you break down your big scary and exciting dreams and goals into tangible bite-sized baby steps so that you can begin the journey.

  9. You’re looking for clarity or perspective on a given situation: A skilled coach will help you see what’s going on from the birds-eye view. They don’t actually offer advice, but they help you see what’s really going on, get curious about the right things and build a plan to where you want to be.

  10. You’re going after a dream, but you want to cut the learning curve to save time and money.

  11. You need a place to brainstorm, vet ideas or ask someone who’s already been through it. 

  12. You’re working on overcoming an obstacle

  13. You need a straight talker to be honest with you but also help give you a push to follow your dreams

  14. You need fresh ideas or a fresh perspective

  15. You’re ready and willing to go out and do the work

If any of those 15 reasons to work with a coach resonated with you, I want to encourage you to schedule a discovery call with me to see if coaching is right for you. In this FREE 30 minute session, we look at where you are, what you’re looking for, why you’re looking for it, and determine if we could be a good fit for working together.



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