Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Day 1

This is my third time doing Marcothon in December. If you want to learn more about Marcothon you can read about it here.

I’ll be running a minimum of a 5k or for 25 minutes every day in the month of December. I get some seasonal depression this time of year and Marcothon helps me make a personal commitment to myself to get outside every day and move my body while combatting some seasonal depression. I’ve also learned a lot of lessons in the process of running Marcothon. I’ve decided that this year I’ll be posting about my journey every day on youtube and here on the blog sharing with anyone who wants to follow along with the ups and downs of this personal challenge.

Day 1 post run obligatory picture

Day 1 post run obligatory picture

Small intentional actions over a period of time give us a great return on our investment. I’m excited to share this journey with you.

If you need help committing to a goal or habit, or need a nudge to help create a plan to stick with a challenge or habit then schedule your free discovery call with me.

Day 1 Garmin Results

Day 1 Garmin Results



Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 2


What’s Your Typo?