Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 2

Marcothon 2020: Day 2

Here are the rough unedited notes from today’s Marcothon vlog post.

This year my goal is to do more than the minimum of 25 minutes or a 5k of running. I’ve got a really great base of miles from the last two months. I ran 73.33 miles in November so the base behind me is strong. Today I ran 5 miles, a lot more than the minimum. It was cold today so I wore my cap. I wear the same hat over and over again (you’re going to get sick of seeing it, and no I don’t wash it enough. ewweee is right!).

My Garmin is on its last leg. This makes me so sad! I’ve treated it really well but the wrist bands have broken and I have to rig a special tool up in order to be able to turn it on and off. I could use an upgrade of all of my running equipment like shoes, running clothing, and a new garmin. I’m pretty low tech but that garmin is a must so I’m making myself a little new running gear fund.

Goal setting is on my mind today, especially around what I want to accomplish with Macothon. I’m feeling strong and healthy going into this year. I’m nervous to say that out loud. I hope I’m not jinxing myself by saying I feel like I’m going into this challenge in good shape. Right now meaning before Marcothon started, I typically run Monday’s Wednesday’s, Friday’s and then a long run on the weekend. I’m hoping to keep up my current training and then just add in a 5k minimum the other days of the week like Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. I’m shooting for my highest running mileage of one month EVER, for this month, the month of December of 2020. So take note I’m making my big scary goal public here. This year has been a rough year so I want to close out 2020 as physically healthy, strong, and in the best shape as I can this month.

When you set yourself a big goal like this it’s important that it’s not arbitrary, that it’s connected to a greater driving why that has meaning to you behind it. So, what is my WHY? I do Marcothon mainly because it gets me outside every day in the month of December, that’s especially important to me for this month because December is typically when seasonal depression normally kicks in for me. Running every day in December keeps the good endorphins pumping in my body and helps me fight that seasonal depression.

When I run I sometimes don’t listen to anything, some days I listen to music, and some days I listen to podcasts. Today I was listening to Brene Brown’s Unlocking us with David Eaglemen. David was talking bout Ulysses’s commitment and I feel like Marcothon is my Ulysses’s commitment because it’s a contract that my past self the me of January or June makes for my future self, my December self. This is a contract I make with myself way in advance of December. I prepare my body in advance, I prepare my mind and I get ready to undertake this commitment. This commitment helps me stay very connected to my personal core value of health.

Right now it’s only day 2, I’ve got the joyful beginner’s energy going, but there are lots of wonderful things that I’ve put In place to help me stick to my commitment. One of the things that keeps me going on the harder days is the community commitment within our Facebook group. In The Greensboro Marcothon Facebook group, I post a picture of me post-run every single day of the challenge. This helps me tremendously even on rough days, the days I want to quit because I know I’ll have to tell the group I threw in the towel and that would suck. The Facebook group really helps me stay accountable to myself.

If there is a Big goal that you’ve been dreaming of, a big goal you want to accomplish and hit, maybe you need a little guidance breaking the goal down into achievable steps? Maybe you need a little guidance thinking through what will help you stick to the goal even on difficult days? If so then set up a free 30-minute discovery call with me today.

Marcothon Day 2 Garmin photo 2.jpg



How to Achieve a Big Goal: 8 Steps


Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Day 1