Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 5

Marcothon 2020: Day 5

Today is Marcothon day 5 but I ran the last two days of November so I’m on day 7 of running. There are a few new developments, I’m still feeling happy. The first development is that I’m starting to feel ravenous, and my right hamstring is bothering me when I bend down to grab anything.

I need to be careful that I’m getting enough water. I can be better to my body by drinking more water.

I got a question yesterday: The question was do I have an accountability partner beyond the vlog. The answer is no. The only accountability in Marcothon is the Facebook group of other people doing Marcothon. I love checking in with that group, they are a huge accountability check.

This vlog isn’t about accountability it’s about trying something new.

I pose a question today Sucess vs. Process Give it a listen and let me know what you think?

I think we need to anchor ourselves to process, not outcome or success.

If you have goals and dreams that you are working towards and need a push or someone to work with you to map things out, then schedule your free discovery call with me.

Run and Done 1 day 5.JPG



Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 6


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