My 6 Point Winter Emotional Wellness Plan

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We’ve hit that point in the United States where the days are short, not much daylight and it’s rather cold outside, this is a difficult time for me.  I know I’m not alone in saying that it’s a tough time of year emotionally for many of us.  Mine stems I believe mostly from a good bit of seasonal affective disorder but throw in my complicated feelings and dislike for the Christmas holiday (a holiday it feels like it’s not socially acceptable to dislike), the pressures and expectations around Christmas, any grief you might be feeling, covid related sadess, or other hardships and it’s a recipe for a tough tough time of year. 

Thankfully I’m not in emotional crisis but if you are in emotional distress please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.8255.  Trained counselors are available 24/7.

This year I’ve decided to create my own Winter Emotional Wellness Plan.  If you’re feeling malaise like I am, if this time of year is difficult for you, I hope you’ll create and implement your own winter emotional wellness plan too. This is a list of what I’ll be doing this winter to keep my spirits healthy. Write yours and share some of what you’ll be doing for yourself too. 

  • Move my body! This is the number 1 reason I commit to Marcothon every December. It gets me outside moving my body rain, shine, or cold.  I exercise every day in December because it helps my mental health above all else. 

  • Have something easy and enjoyable to look forward to at night: After the sun goes down in the winter it’s like I turn into something unrecognizable.  I’m going to be planning zoom hangouts and watercolor classes in order to have something to look forward to in the evening. 

  • Eat nourishing healthy vegetable-filled meals and limit alcohol intake.  Sugar is not my friend in the winter, it contributes to my malaise. So I’ll be focusing on really healthy meals from here on out.  I do love a glass of wine or a cocktail in the evenings but alcohol is a depressant and I’m going to cut it down to very limited occasions in December and January.  

  • Limit Social Media: I’ll really only be posting on social media for work and for Marcothon Posting.  

  • Scheduling Evening Walks with Neighborhood Friends:  Nighttime is the hardest so I think if I can be outside moving in addition to Marcothon I’ll be a happier person and it will help me significantly in the evening. 

  • Put my Creativity On the Calendar: This time of year in the evening I don’t feel like doing anything.  I don’t’ feel like doing even the things I love. I don’t want to read, write, or paint.  But I know if I can just do it I’ll be happy I did it so I’m putting my painting time on the calendar along with writing time.  Normally if it’s on my calendar I’ll be doing it. 

This is my plan and in creating it I thought about what contributes to my wellness, and what detracts from my wellness.  I thought about what my resources are to make these things happen, I’d love to have a massage scheduled or to get my hair done but between financial resources and covid those aren’t practical, I share this because I want to encourage you to focus on what is within your reach not what is outside of your reach.  If you have a tough time this time of year I’d encourage you to write out your plan and share parts or all of it with us in the comments section below so that it can help others come up with ideas too.  



Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 9


Marcothon 2020: Alisha's Year 3 Vlog Day 8