Coaching, Goals, Aspirations, Community Alisha Wielfaert Coaching, Goals, Aspirations, Community Alisha Wielfaert

10 Wise Women Podcast Episodes If You're New To Yoke and Abundance

Have you ever been told “You should listen to this ____________ phenomenal podcast! I know you’d love it” Then you head over to that podcast and you see so many episodes you have no idea where to begin? Have you asked yourself, do I start at the beginning or do you just start listening to the episodes going forward?

We’ve all been there! If you’re relatively new to the Yoke and Abundance world you might be asking yourself the same question. I’m going to make it easy for you! Here are 10 episodes I love that are a great introduction to the podcast that I think you’ll enjoy (in no particular order) Just click each one to be taken to that episode.

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Coaching, Goals, Aspirations, Community Alisha Wielfaert Coaching, Goals, Aspirations, Community Alisha Wielfaert

How To Become The Woman You've Always Wanted to Be

I am so fired up today! Last night I had a little fire pit with some amazing girlfriends. I'd just put a few more logs on the fire when they all realized it was late for a weeknight and they needed to head out, so there I was sitting alone in my backyard, next to a beautiful warm fire on a perfect evening under the almost full moon. I felt strong, powerful, loved, and especially witchy! That's when a thought I've been having a lot resurfaced for me…

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Coaching, Goals, Aspirations, Community Alisha Wielfaert Coaching, Goals, Aspirations, Community Alisha Wielfaert

Embracing Creativity and the Process: My Process From Idea to End Result

Creativity is a top CORE VALUE of mine. I’ve identified 5 of them that I make a deliberate priority in my life (for today’s article I’ll focus on creativity). I’ve consciously built my life around my core values. I don’t try to arbitrarily fit my core values into my life, no I make my core values what I build my life for. My core values are my priorities.

Maybe creativity isn’t a core value of yours yet, but I want to make the case that you should consider incorporating and embracing the creative process into your life for more fulfillment, better problem solving, and more joy. I don’t think we all need to be “artists,” by any stretch of the imagination, but I do believe that embracing our creativity like knowing and living our core values, is a key to life. For me embracing creativity means also embracing process.

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